Scott Chandler / Fordlândia

Fordlândia, 2011

In 1928 the Ford Motor Company established the town of Fordlândia in the Brazilian Amazon. For the company it was to act as basic housing and support for a rubber plantation. For Henry Ford it was an opportunity to recreate an idea of America his career had made antiquated; the small, rural town like his childhood home.

In Fordlândia his demands included the building of a schoolhouse, a factory, a film theatre and golf course. Roads were paved, sidewalks installed, and red fire hydrants imported from Detroit. Brazilian employees ate American food and followed American customs, including prohibition. Before long, the workers revolted and the rubber crops failed. Fordlândia was a financial failure, and immediately after Henry Ford’s death the land was sold back to Brazil and his utopia was abandoned.

76x95 cm
Chromogenic prints, mounted on Dibond

Installation Images


High resolution images and project info: (105mb)